


Protecting your business against financial crime is more crucial than ever. In today’s complex financial landscape, sophisticated criminals constantly devise new methods to exploit vulnerabilities and extract value. Effectively managing FCC risks is becoming harder as industry forces pressure financial institutions across multiple fronts, 包括: 



  • Fines for FCC-related offenses continue to increase in the aggregate and at the individual institution level 
  • Regulators are deploying advanced analytics to monitor compliance and effectiveness, exposing institutions to additional scrutiny 
  • Financial crimes regulators are continually increasing the scope of covered institutions and 产品s 



  • 不断发展的监管框架 
  • Supporting Digital asset service providers with their FCC obligations 



  • Criminals are leveraging technology to devise more complex schemes, including using generative AI to impersonate company principals and Ultra High Net Worth Individuals 
  • Digital business models and 产品s create more vulnerability to sophisticated criminals 
  • Customer Due Diligence and monitoring are increasingly a real-time requirement 



  • AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms to increase automation and reduce false positives 
  • Generative AI to help assist with high-context and judgement-oriented tasks, 例如调查和SAR归档 


Aggregate spending by financial institutions to achieve and maintain compliance is growing faster than the underlying business, increasing pressure on compliance organizations to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. 


在环球经济集团, we are dedicated to helping financial institutions navigate the complex landscape of financial crime compliance. Our team of experts offers a full suite of services and innovative technology solutions to ensure that your organization meets regulatory requirements and mitigates the risks associated with financial crimes. 


We help financial institutions move beyond core compliance by leveraging capabilities that can reduce cost, 增加工作效率, and generate ancillary value from financial crimes compliance investments, 包括: 


  • 〇人才和人才 随着FCC团队的壮大, it is critical that institutions invest in their people and capabilities to increase performance while controlling costs. 
  • 跨职能合作: Encourage collaboration between compliance, 法律, 操作, and IT teams to break down silos and share crucial information. 
  • 技能提升和培训: Regularly update employees on evolving regulations, 新出现的威胁, and red flags associated with different financial crimes—train staff on data analytics tools, 事务监控系统, and other technology for detection and investigation. 



流程和工作流程 Streamlining the core FCC processes and workflows can significantly improve the team’s efficiency and effectiveness, 包括: 

  • 收敛 of fraud and AML process allows for better alignment and agility of the shared resources 
  • 连续的过程 – help the organization move away from periodic refresh and allow for the real-time adjustment of the risk parameters applied to a client, 产品, 或者细分市场 
  • 协作平台: Implement secure communication platforms and data-sharing tools to facilitate seamless collaboration within the team and with other departments. 
  • 基准: Benchmark your team’s performance against industry standards and best practices to identify areas for improvement. 



  • 简化工作流程: 自动执行重复性任务, 利用案例管理系统, and optimize procedures to improve efficiency and reduce manual workloads. 
  • 数据驱动的方法: Analyze historical data and transaction patterns to identify suspicious activities and prioritize investigations. Invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools for automated screening and anomaly detection. 
  • 简化工作流程: 自动执行重复性任务, 利用案例管理系统, and optimize procedures to improve efficiency and reduce manual workloads. 




We provide comprehensive financial crimes consulting services, empowering you to proactively combat threats, 最小化风险, and ensure the integrity of your 操作. 


  • 金融犯罪风险评估: We identify vulnerabilities, evaluate risks, and recommend tailored mitigation strategies. 
  • 独立审查: We can conduct the BSA-required independent review function to meet your obligations and understand the program’s health and areas where it can improve. 
  • 方案设计与实施: We design and implement effective AML/sanctions programs that meet regulatory requirements and minimize regulatory risk. 
  • 加强你的防御: We can provide the incremental expertise to enhance your ability to detect, 防止, and respond to financial crime threats, 降低监管风险, 维护你的声誉. 
  • 人工智能与自动化策略: We can help you leverage advanced AI models across the FCC value chain to reduce false positives, 增加真阳性, reduce the cost of being compliant, and effectively manage the risks associated with financial crime. 
  • 培训 & 意识程序: We equip your employees with the knowledge and skills to recognize and report suspicious activity. 



克里斯托弗Rigg 校长|芝加哥

长大卫奥诺拉托 校长|亚特兰大

保罗Mokdessi 校长|坦帕

约翰·凯勒 | Principal |芝加哥

达林•威廉姆斯 | Principal |纽约